
Green animal protein

Natural product obtained by processing larvaes of the beetle Tenebrio molitor reared on vegetal feed.

It is a golden colour functional ingredient that contains high quality protein and fat. This product is an excellent alternative to traditional protein and fat sources for the Food Industry.

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Products manufactured
in the EU

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High flexibility and adaptation

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Green Animal Protein

Premium Quality Animal Protein
Contains all essential amino acids.
High content of unsaturated fats.
High fiber content.
Contains chitin, a natural prebiotic
High content of B2 and B6 vitamins.
Source of B12 vitamin.
Very low salt content.
No added fillers, coloring or flavoring.
Powder and whole formats.
Antioxidants added upon request.


Are you a food manufacturer and want to launch a natural, sustainable and nutritious product? Contact us! We will try to help you as much as possible for a successful product development and launch.
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